發佈於 Apr 15, 2022

在2020 年,加州作為年度國際海岸清理活動的一部分,從加州海灘及內陸水道中清除了190,042支香煙。8
據估計,每年在全球有16.9億磅的煙蒂最終成為廢棄物。9 根據加州交通局進行的一項研究發現,煙蒂佔加州收集垃圾總量的34%。10
吸煙還會對我們的森林、住家及公園構成直接威脅。12 丟棄的煙蒂一直與導致野生動物、植物及財產遭到破壞的大火有關。13 香煙所引起的火災可燒毀數以千百英畝的土地,並在全加州都曾經發生這類災禍。14
在2021 年,加州投資11億美元用於清理州及地方的廢棄物。15 根據2009年一項關於舊金山街道煙草廢棄物影響的研究發現,煙草廢棄物佔所有垃圾的近25%。據估計,舊金山每年清理煙草產品廢棄物的費用約為740萬美元。16 在此結果公佈後不久,舊金山就制定一項香煙清理費用,用於清理在街道、旅遊場所及排水道的煙蒂。
- Ocean Conservancy . (2021). (rep.). Together, We Are Team Ocean: 2020 Report (pp. 21–21). Washington D.C.
- Ocean Conservancy, International Coastal Cleanup. We Clean On, 2021 report. Washington, DC: Ocean Conservatory, International Coastal Cleanup; 2021.
- Beck RW. Final Report: Litter: A Review of Litter Studies, Attitude Surveys and Other Litter-related Literature. Keep America Beautiful, Inc., 2007.
- Slaughter E, Gersberg RM, Watanabe K, Rudolph J, Stransky C, Novotny TE. Toxicity of cigarette butts, and their chemical components, to marine and freshwater fish [published correction appears in Tob Control. 2011 Nov;20(6):418]. Tob Control. 2011;20 Suppl 1(Suppl_1):i25-i29. doi:10.1136/tc.2010.040170
- Moerman JW, Potts GE. Analysis of metals leached from smoked cigarette litter. Tob Control. 2011;20 Suppl 1(Suppl_1):i30-i35. doi:10.1136/tc.2010.040196
- Slaughter E, Gersberg RM, Watanabe K, Rudolph J, Stransky C, Novotny TE. Toxicity of cigarette butts, and their chemical components, to marine and freshwater fish [published correction appears in Tob Control. 2011 Nov;20(6):418]. Tob Control. 2011;20 Suppl 1(Suppl_1):i25-i29. doi:10.1136/tc.2010.040170
- Moerman JW, Potts GE. Analysis of metals leached from smoked cigarette litter. Tob Control. 2011;20 Suppl 1(Suppl_1):i30-i35. doi:10.1136/tc.2010.040196
- Ocean Conservancy, International Coastal Cleanup. We Clean On, 2021 report. Washington, DC: Ocean Conservatory, International Coastal Cleanup; 2021.
- Carlozo LR. Cigarettes: 1.7 billion pounds of trash. Chicago Tribune. 2008 Jun 18
- Lippner G, Johnston J, Combs S, Walter K, Marx D. California Department of Transportation. Results of the Caltrans Litter Management Pilot Study. Presented in Transportation Research Record 1743, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 2001.
- Muller, M. Tobacco and the Third World: Tomorrow’s Epidemic? A War on Want Investigation into the Production, Promotion, and Use of Tobacco in the Developing Countries. London: War on Want, 1978.
- Mackay, J., Eriksen, M., Shafey, O. The Tobacco Atlas, 2nd Ed. The American Cancer Society, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2006.
- Wildfires, air quality, cigarette butts: Smokefree Laws Save Money, lives. American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation . https://no-smoke.org/wildfire-air-quality-and-cigarette-butts-smokefree-laws-save-money-lives/. Published August 28, 2018.
- Lin S. Solano County, CA fire sparked by ... - the Sacramento bee. The Sacramento Bee. https://www.sacbee.com/news/california/article246757541.html. Published October 27, 2020.
- Governor Newsom marks success of Clean California beautification efforts. California Governor. https://www.gov.ca.gov/2021/12/15/governor-newsom-marks-success-of-clean-california-beautification-efforts/#:~:text=Launched%20by%20Governor%20Newsom%20as,jobs%20to%20thousands%20of%20Californians. Published December 16, 2021.
- Health Economics Consulting Group, LLC. Estimates of the Costs of Tobacco Litter in San Francisco and Calculations of Maximum Permissible Per-Pack Fees. June 22, 2009.
