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A California without Big Tobacco isn’t just possible, it’s already happening

Two California cities have ended the sale of tobacco products12

A hip Korean woman wearing orange-tinted sunglasses sits in her car with her arms draped over the steering wheel
Coach Sanchez standing in front of his young players to talk about vaping
Tran My, an older businesswoman, stands in her restaurant

I don’t sell vapes. No profit is worth that ugliness.


A convenience store owner protects her family and her neighborhood by not selling vapes.

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Big Tobacco is targeting us. So we’re targeting them back.


Three high schoolers channel their outrage about nicotine harms into anti-tobacco advocacy.

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I started vaping to try to deal with stress. I quit because of my son.


A young soldier started vaping to try to cope with stress in the military – and quit to be a better role model for his son.

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We tackled vaping head-on. It’s the only way we know.


When Coach Sanchez learned his players were vaping, he recruited their families to help raise the standards on and off the field.

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Featured campaigns


As two cities end tobacco sales, and smoking and lung cancer rates drop, a California without Big Tobacco is already happening.12345

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Nicotine Equals Brain Poison

Nicotine is an extremely addictive poison and neurotoxin that is especially dangerous for young people’s developing brains.678910

Addicting Kids
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Big Tobacco’s Fantasyland

Big Tobacco’s trying to sell us a future without smoking, where vapes are a “safer alternative.”1112 Their deception is dangerous – and deadly.1314

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The Little Big Lie

Cigarette butts are made of microplastics – tiny toxic fibers that pollute our environment and could harm us all.15161718

Little Big Lie
Teens in schoolyard header

Flavored tobacco is out. Saving lives is in.

A new law ends the sale of most flavored tobacco products, including vapes and menthol cigarettes, and helps protect all Californians from a lifetime of deadly addiction – especially our kids.192021

Understand the law

Tobacco industry’s damage

The tobacco industry currently spends billions each year on slick marketing tactics and political influence so they can profit off death and disease.2223
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Even for people who don’t use tobacco, there can be deadly consequences.24
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The industry calls kids their “replacement customers.” Big Tobacco sentences them to a lifetime of addiction and disease.25
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This racist and unjust industry has strategically targeted certain communities with deadly products and manipulative messaging.26
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No one’s safe from the environmental damage and health risks from toxic tobacco waste and its plastic pollution.15171827282930
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lady in a garden wearing a head scarf and looking at the camera

Protect the people and places you love

It only takes a moment to add your voice to the fight and protect Californians from the tobacco industry’s harms.

More ways to tell the industry you’ve had enough
  1. Beverly Hills City Ordinance No. 19-O-2783. June, 2019. Accessed June, 2024. https://www.beverlyhills.org/DocumentCenter/View/814/Ordinance-No-19-O-2783-PDF
  2. Action on Smoking & Health California. Phasing out the sale of tobacco products: Case Study Manhattan Beach. Updated September 2021, Accessed June, 2024. https://endtobaccoca.ash.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/CS_ManhattanBeach_V1_Final.pdf
  3. Neuling H. Key state-specific tobacco-related data & rankings. Updated January 3, 2024. Accessed March 22, 2024. https://assets.tobaccofreekids.org/factsheets/0176.pdf
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  14. American Cancer Society. 10 really bad things the tobacco industry has done - and is doing - to entice kids to start smoking. Updated June 7, 2024. Accessed August 15, 2024. https://www.lung.org/research/sotc/by-the-numbers/10-bad-things-to-entice-kids
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