

發佈於 Jul 6, 2022
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在加州,吸食水煙者主要是18歲至29歲的年輕人。1 吸食水煙年輕成年人中,西/拉丁裔最大比例(51.4%)[2] 這表示吸食水煙已經不僅限於中東人、印度人、亞美尼亞人波斯人的文化及社交活動,而是普及成為商業化的活動。 

吸食水煙是極具吸引力的社交活動,因為是成群結伴一起吸食,所以似乎較不危險。水煙餐廳顯而易見一般位於大學校園附近,3,4 因此正是初嘗水煙的最常見場所,也是近60%就讀大學年齡水煙吸食者首次吸食的地方。5 水煙餐廳通常在社交媒體、網路及年輕成年人的報紙和雜誌上刊登廣告,以招徠年輕的成年人。6,7 

水煙的流行,部分原因是由於備有蘋果、桃子、薄荷、草莓和可樂等各種口味,812 這些口味掩蓋了煙草的刺鼻味道,因而更容易吸食。許多吸水煙的人認為水煙比其他類型的煙草危害較小以及較不易上癮。9 事實上,吸水煙管並不是吸煙的安全替代品水煙會提高癌、肺癌以及心臟病的風險。10 

水煙煙草中,含有與所有煙草相同的化學物質,包括尼古丁及致癌化學物質。許多吸水煙的人認為有水「過濾 」煙草,吸食更加安全。水只是冷卻煙草,反而有毒煙霧更易被吸入。此外,水煙的二手煙霧含有已在香煙煙霧中發現的相同致癌化學物質。11 

  1. California Health Interview Survey. CHIS 2019-20 Adult Public Use Files. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research; September 2021.
  2. California Health Interview Survey. CHIS 2019-20 Adult Public Use Files. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research; September 2021.
  3. Kassem NO, Jackson SR, Boman-Davis M, et al. Hookah Smoking and Facilitators/Barriers to Lounge Use amongStudents at a US University. Am J Health Behav. 2015;39(6):832-848. doi:10.5993/AJHB.39.6.11
  4. Sutfin EL, McCoy TP, Reboussin BA, Wagoner KG, Spangler J, Wolfson M. Prevalence and correlates of waterpipe tobacco smoking by college students in North Carolina. Drug and alcohol dependence. 2011;115(1-2):131-136.
  5. Kassem NO, Jackson SR, Boman-Davis M, et al. Hookah Smoking and Facilitators/Barriers to Lounge Use among Students at a US University. Am J Health Behav. 2015;39(6):832-848. doi:10.5993/AJHB.39.6.11
  6. Kassem NO, Jackson SR, Boman-Davis M, et al. Hookah Smoking and Facilitators/Barriers to Lounge Use among Students at a US University. Am J Health Behav. 2015;39(6):832-848. doi:10.5993/AJHB.39.6.11
  7. Sterling KL, Fryer CS, Majeed B, Duong MM. Promotion of waterpipe tobacco use, its variants and accessories in young adult newspapers: a content analysis of message portrayal. Health education research. 2015;30(1):152-161.
  8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Smoking and Tobacco Use: Hookahs. Updated October 17, 2024. Accessed October 31, 2024. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/other-tobacco-products/hookahs.html
  9. Smith-Simone S, Maziak W, Ward KD, Eissenberg T. Waterpipe tobacco smoking: knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behavior in two U.S. samples. Nicotine Tob Res. 2008;10(2):393-398. doi:10.1080/14622200701825023
  10. Qasim H, Alarabi AB, Alzoubi KH, Karim ZA, Alshbool FZ, Khasawneh FT. The effects of hookah/waterpipe smoking on general health and the cardiovascular system. Environ Health Prev Med. 2019;24(1):58. Published 2019 Sep 14. doi:10.1186/s12199-019-0811-y
  11. World Health Organization Study Group on Tobacco Product Regulation (TobReg). Advisory Note: Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking: Health Effects, Research Needs and Recommended Actions for Regulators, 2nd Edition. Geneva: World Health Organization. 2015.
  12. Krishnan-Sarin S, O'Malley SS, Green BG, Jordt SE. The science of flavour in tobacco products. World Health Organ Tech Rep Ser. 2019;1015:125-142


煙草商稱孩子們為「替代客戶」, 而大煙草商更判處他們終生成癮與疾病。
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